Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Mary got me contemplating what word I would like to describe myself as in her recent blog entry. She wants to be synonymous with the word electric. I must admit that I couldnt' think of anything as snazzy and exciting that would reflect the type of individual I am. However, a word did keep coming to mind and I think that I could handle being synonymous with it. This isn't an adjective but rather a verb.

Jason = Evoking.

I would hope that would a legacy that I could carry on. A simple search on shows

"e·voke   /ɪˈvoʊk/ Show Spelled[ih-vohk]
–verb (used with object), e·voked, e·vok·ing.
1. to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.): to evoke a memory.
2. to elicit or draw forth: His comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners.
3. to call up; cause to appear; summon: to evoke a spirit from the dead.
4. to produce or suggest through artistry and imagination a vivid impression of reality: a short passage that manages to evoke the smells, colors, sounds, and shapes of that metropolis."

I would like to be remembered as an individual who evoked a response. I want people to feel something when I am around. Whether it is positive or negative it doesn't matter. As long as it helps the discover something about themself or to remember something about themself. I would hope that I have already done this in my life time and that I have had an impact in peoples lives.

I Jason want to be evocative.


Drake Sigar said...

That's not half bad. I'm gonna' go with... Drake = Awesome.

Mary said...
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Mary said...

I'm in love with your brain and your self-awareness. Evocative is a perfect word for you. And sometimes I misspell evocative.

rosemary said...

To me, Jason, you are evocative, but I salute your goal to bring the Jason-effect global.