Thursday, October 30, 2008


I had the chance to watch Obama's informercial tonight on youtbe after work. Many may know that I will be voting for Obama on Nov 4th (hate me if you must but i dig the dudes style). This isn't an endoresment for Obama though, rather, it stirred something in me that I haven't felt since 9.11.

I love America. I truely do. It isn't perfect but perhaps that is what i love most about it. It is flawed but only because people are flawed. That is why i love America, it is a land of the people. Often times i fear that we take that for granted and only in big moments throughout history people take notice of that loyalty. Some though, those who are better than i, recognize it on a daily basis. Those who serve our country and the selfless act that they commit in my behalf and those of my family. To them i want to say thank you. Your bravery and sacrifice (along with those of your families) cannot be equaled in gratitude with words. I only hope that i can recognize daily the liberties that you give to me.

I wonder if Karl Marx or even farther back to Alexander, Attila, or even Plato and his republic; could ever have forseen a nation like that of ours. I am sure that more brilliant minds then myself could tell you the flaws in our government system or why another form would be better. I disagree though, I love this nation for what it is. A melting pot of many lands, ideas, religions, and histories. However, like Kierkegaard said.... Passion unites mankind. We are united by passion. No other country in the world could claim such magnificent thing and because of it we are truely blessed. Blessed to pursue those passions!

As i watched Obama's infomercial and heard the stories of families across this nation my heart was broken. Broken that so many wonderful people in this nation are suffering. Suffering in the land of freedom and liberty. ironic, and tragic. I hope that this crisis defines our generation. I hope that my grandchildren can look back to my era and say THAT is where things turned around and how lucky we are that they did. I want to be apart of the solution. The relief of that suffering that is pillaging my fellow brethern. I hope that we all can do our part and maybe change the world in doing so.

May God bless the sunkissed shores of west coast, the snowcapped mountains of the rockies, the golden prairies of the midwest, the vast emerald forests of the northeast, and the brilliant RED WHITE AND BLUE of our great capital. I am american and the history that such a title carries is as good as nobility. may the lord watch and protect our great land, its leaders, and those who are fighting for it!

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