Thursday, April 29, 2010

Finals night!

I want.... to find a journal from the 1800s, maybe even earlier, hell anything from the 1800s and back. I want to find just one journal entry that says something along the lines. "Woke up, pissed, did some shit, deficated, went to bed." I just want to know that 100s of years ago, there was some wiseass that I could relate to. Seriously, how awesome would that be though?

Maybe a cave painting: Dawn (picture of sun), Kill deer (spear through animal), Poop (pile of something), Sunset (setting sun).

I have too much time on my hands, this is the stuff I think about.

So the semester is over.....summer break. Well I actually have one more final tomorrow but I'm not to worried about it. WHy any teacher would mention that all the tests are open note/book is beyond me. I didn't pay attention a bit in this science class. If school has taught me anything, it's finding out much i can get away with NOT doing things and still succeeding, rather than actually put any effort into something. If our future is based on a numerous amount of people like me, I might be inclined to be a little worried about our future. I just hope the damage we cause actually doesn't have backlash until I'm too old to care/notice. I'm an awful person.

Side note: The double down sandwich at shit. Seriously, there haven't been very many moments where i've put something with so much meat and bacon in my mouth that I've been seriously let down..... but just steer clear of it. It'll kill you quickly and it won't even taste good. Tasted so bad my ass still can't get the flavor out of it.

There really isn't a point to this entry. I just haven't written in a while, and rather than go to bed so i can be well rested for my final.... I am killing time.

Screw it. Night


Lisa said...

your desire you mentioned in the beginning reminded me a little bit of this guy in the book of mormon:
Omni 1: 9
Now I, Chemish, write what few things I write, in the same book with my brother; for behold, I saw the last which he wrote, that he wrote it with his own hand; and he wrote it in the day that he delivered them unto me. And after this manner we keep the records, for it is according to the commandments of our fathers. And I make an end.

It's basically like "hey, I'm Chemish, and my brother wrote some stuff in the records and then gave it to me, and I kept it for a while and since this is what we do I'm writing now. Ok, peace out."

Sorry, he didn't mention defecating.

Mary said...

That's really disappointed about the double-down, I was intrigued.