Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election day!

This representative is one that will restore honor!

Don't you get tired of hearing that? Every election we see candidates throw trivial words around like they should be significant. Restoring honor? At what point in history was the golden age of honor? Did I miss it? How do you restore something that has been half-assed throughout history?

Thats not even the part that bugs me the most. It's that once they throw around these arbitrary words, we are supposed to vote for them because of it. Well they are going to restore honor, so obviously I'm going to ignore all their policies and vote for them anyways. What the hell is that? It's a cop out, and the worst part is that it works.

All parties do it. All candidates do it. I'm not pointing fingers at people but the system as a whole. I find it pathetic that rather than talk about whats wrong and how we are going to fix it. We'd rather yell out virtuous words while smearing the person across the aisle.

So this Election day pay close attention to all the candidates yelling valor, honor, honesty, truth, change, and all other sorts of words while sinning against every one of them.

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